How to accelerate calculations using CUDA-compatible GPUs

Added in Peacock v0.1.2.

You will need Peacock v0.1.2 or later for this feature.


Pass GPU=true when creating your Solver.

solver = Solver(geometry, fourier_space_cutoff, GPU=true)

Full example

By default, Peacock.jl uses the CPU. However, you may be able to accelerate your calculations if you have a CUDA-compatible GPU.

Let's begin by defining a simple photonic crystal.

using Peacock, PyPlot

function epf(x,y)
    # equation of a circle with radius 0.2a
    if x^2+y^2 <= 0.2^2
        # dielectric inside the circle
        return 8.9
        # air outside the circle
        return 1

# Permeability is unity everywhere
function muf(x,y)
    return 1

a1 = [1, 0]  # first lattice vector
a2 = [0, 1]  # second lattice vector
d1 = 0.01  # resolution along first lattice vector
d2 = 0.01  # resolution along second lattice vector
geometry = Geometry(epf, muf, a1, a2, d1, d2)

When we construct the Solver from the Geometry, we can pass the GPU flag. By default, GPU=false.

fourier_space_cutoff = 9  # larger = more accurate, slower
solver_CPU = Solver(geometry, fourier_space_cutoff)
solver_GPU = Solver(geometry, fourier_space_cutoff, GPU=true)

The fields of the solver_CPU are standard Julia arrays, but the fields of the solver_GPU are CUDA arrays which will utilise the GPU.

typeof(solver_CPU.epc) == Array{Complex{Float64},2}
typeof(solver_GPU.epc) == CUDA.CuArray{Complex{Float64},2}

Now, let's compare the time to solve and plot some bands with and without the GPU.

function plot_example_bands(solver, dk)
    G = BrillouinZoneCoordinate(  0,   0, "Γ")
    X = BrillouinZoneCoordinate(1/2,   0, "X")
    M = BrillouinZoneCoordinate(1/2, 1/2, "M")
    ks = [G,X,M,G]
    plot_band_diagram(solver, ks, TE, color="red",
                bands=1:4, dk=dk, frequency_scale=1/2pi)
    plot_band_diagram(solver, ks, TM, color="blue",
                bands=1:4, dk=dk, frequency_scale=1/2pi)

# call once to make sure functions are compiled
plot_example_bands(solver_CPU, 2)
plot_example_bands(solver_GPU, 2)

# time CPU vs GPU
@time plot_example_bands(solver_CPU, 0.1)
@time plot_example_bands(solver_GPU, 0.1)

We find a significant speed up using the GPU - ~13.6 seconds vs ~3.6 seconds.

Further reading